numbers speak

Ciphrs is a place where you can dissect and experiment with different aspects of the universe. Gematria, Astrology, Numerology, and more. With 8+ different calculators all in one dashboard, take decoding your art to new heights!

Decode the world with Ciphrs

Date Calendar

Gematria Calculators

Moon Calculator

Chinese New Year

Retrograde Calculator

Calendar Converter

First Ever 10 Calculator Gematria Dashboard

Discovering the mysteries of the world just got better

Date Calculator

Calculate date durations to the day

Gematria Calculator

Turn Words into Numbers

Chinese Zodiac Year

Find the Chinese Zodiac for any year

Prime # Calculator

Find the prime and other properties of any number

Retrograde Calculator

Find the retrograde period of any planet from any time period

Calendar Converter

Translate the Gregorian calendar to the Hebrew and Ethiopian calendar

Moon Phase Calc

Find the moon phase of any date

Greek/Hebrew Isopsophy

Find the value and English translation to any Hebrew or Greek word/phrase

Tarot Card Calculator

Find the numerology, meaning and number significance of each card

Constellation Calculator

Find the tropical and sidereal dates for each constellation

Full Screen Dashboard

All calculators and calculations in one beautiful layout

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